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Premier Notley and Cabinet Members sworn in May 24

25 May 2015 7:30 AM | Christine Heggart (Administrator)

Please see the provincial news release below for list of new cabinet members and their ministries.  

Provincial News Release

May 24, 2015 

A new chapter in the story of Alberta

Alberta’s 17th Premier, the Honourable Rachel Notley, and her Cabinet, were sworn in on the steps of the Alberta Legislature on May 24.

Albertans have chosen a strong, stable majority government that will put the priorities of Albertans first – a government that shares in the very same values that built this province and our prosperity.

“Today we open a new chapter in the story of Alberta. From our earliest days, Albertans have worked as hard as anyone to forge a brighter future. People from all walks of life and from every part of the world, have joined together on a common journey. And on that journey we’ve been guided by enduring values.  Albertans are hard-working. We are entrepreneurial. And we are relentlessly optimistic. We believe that tomorrow can be a better day. And that we must work hard to make it happen. That’s who we are as Albertans.”

Rachel Notley, Premier

The new Cabinet is lean and efficient, and is firmly focused on solving the challenges that face Alberta. The newly sworn-in Ministers will partner with Alberta’s job creators – in energy, forestry, agriculture, high-tech, tourism and small business – to grow and diversify our economy.

The new Cabinet will focus on the priorities of Albertans:

  • to give our children the best chance to succeed and get the right start in school;
  • to protect and strengthen public health care, so it’s there when families need it;
  • to restore trust and integrity in government – a government that belongs to Albertans; and
  • to help build a more prosperous, a more caring, and a more hopeful province for every Albertan.

“On this historic day, we are, once again, joining together in pursuit of our common dream – the same dream that has inspired generations of Albertans. It’s a dream founded on the idea that change is possible – and that a better future awaits. It is springtime in Alberta, and a fresh wind is blowing. To harness its potential, the hard work begins today.”

Rachel Notley, Premier

The new Cabinet in order of precedence:


Ministry/Responsible for

Rachel Notley

Minister of International and Intergovernmental Relations

Brian Mason

Minister of Transportation
Minister of Infrastructure
Government House Leader

David Eggen

Minister of Education
Minister of Culture and Tourism

Deron Bilous

Minister of Municipal Affairs
Minister of Service Alberta
Deputy Government House Leader

Joe Ceci

Minister of Finance and President of Treasury Board

Marg McCuaig-Boyd

Minister of Energy

Sarah Hoffman

Minister of Health
Minister of Seniors

Kathleen Ganley

Minister of Justice and Solicitor General
Minister of Aboriginal Relations

Lori Sigurdson

Minister of Innovation and Advanced Education
Minister of Jobs, Skills, Training and Labour

Oneil Carlier

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry

Shannon Phillips

Minister of Environment and Parks
Minister Responsible for the Status of Women
Deputy Government House Leader

Irfan Sabir

Minister of Human Services

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