Alberta Transportation's - Minister’s Awards for Transportation Innovation
The Minister’s Awards for Transportation Innovation recognize innovative people and organizations within the transportation industry. The awards celebrate transportation innovations, large or small, that are paving the way toward a more efficient, sustainable and safer transportation system in our province.
These prestigious awards are part of an ongoing partnership with the Consulting Engineers of Alberta (CEA), the Alberta Roadbuilders and Heavy Construction Association (ARHCA), the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA), and the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties (AAMDC).
Who can be nominated for an award?
Nominations can be submitted for any public transportation (Alberta Transportation or municipal) project in Alberta related to roads, bridges, multi-modal transportation or transit.
Nomination Categories
Six annual Transportation Innovation Awards will be presented. There will be six separate recipients selected for:
- Award of Excellence for Design Innovation
- Award of Excellence for Construction Innovation
- Award of Excellence for Environmental Innovation
- Award of Excellence for Safety Innovation
- Award of Excellence for Operational Innovation
- Award of Excellence for Transit/Accessible Transportation Innovation
How do I nominate a project?
Read through the complete 2016 guidelines and fill out the attached nomination form. Nominations must be submitted on or before January 22, 2016. You may send in nominations two ways:
- Send as an email attachment to
- Print the form and send it in a sealed envelope marked “confidential” to:
Corinna Mulyk
Innovations Engineer
Alberta Transportation
3rd Floor, Twin Atria Building
4999 - 98 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T6B 2X3