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  • 26 May 2016 12:30 PM | Christine Heggart (Administrator)

    AMSA's Zone 1 (South) members will be a meeting on June 3, 2016 at the Vulcan County Administration Building.

    AMSA's Zone 2 (Central) members will be meeting on June 17, 2016 at the Lacombe County Administration Building.

    Click here to see the events listing page, which provides more details and the meeting agendas.  

  • 25 Apr 2016 12:22 PM | Christine Heggart (Administrator)

    APWA/AMSA Zone 4 - Peace Region Ideas Group held a joint meeting on April 7, 2016 at Birch Hills County. Please click here to review minutes from the meeting.

    The next Peace Region Ideas Group meeting is scheduled for October.  

    If you'd like information for your zone's meeting added to AMSA's website, please email the Executive Director

  • 15 Apr 2016 6:00 PM | Christine Heggart (Administrator)

    For information on the Government of Alberta's 2016 budget, click here for the Province's news release.

    For AAMDC's initial analysis for budget 2016-2017, click here.

  • 13 Mar 2016 12:49 PM | Christine Heggart (Administrator)

    AMSA's 2016 Spring Convention kicks off Monday, with a Public Sector Procurement 101 course.  Tuesday and Wednesday regular convention agenda.

    Safe travels to all convention delegates.

  • 09 Feb 2016 5:27 PM | Christine Heggart (Administrator)

    New this spring...Pre-Convention professional development opportunity.

    101: Public Sector Procurement Essentials

    Hosted by National Education Consulting Inc. (NECI), in this interactive course participants learn about the fundamental principles that govern public-sector procurement in Canada. 

    Click here for the complete course outline.  Course fee: $395.00

    101: Public Sector Procurement Essentials is a stand-alone one-day course, for which participants will receive a certificate. 

    Please note: Registration will only remain open until Friday February 12.

    AMSA reserves the right to cancel this course and refund payments, should there be an insufficient interest to warrant providing the course.

    This pre-convention training day will include a morning coffee break at 10:00am, and lunch at 12:00pm.

    The Public Sector Procurement Program (PSPP) is accredited by the Canadian Supply Chain Sector through its National Accreditation Program.  For more information on additional PSPP courses and accreditation, click here


  • 08 Feb 2016 8:02 PM | Christine Heggart (Administrator)

    Please click here to see AAMDC's announcement regarding a newly approved supplier - FoxSigns.

  • 22 Jan 2016 12:17 PM | Christine Heggart (Administrator)

    Register now for AMSA's Spring Convention taking place on March 15-16 at the Shaw Convention Centre in Edmonton, AB. 

    New this spring...Pre-Convention professional development opportunity - 

    101: Public Sector Procurement Essentials

    Hosted by National Education Consulting Inc. (NECI), in this interactive course participants learn about the fundamental principles that govern public-sector procurement in Canada. 

    Click here for the complete course outline.  Course fee: $395.00

    101: Public Sector Procurement Essentials is a stand-alone one-day course, for which participants will receive a certificate. 

    Please note: Registration will only remain open until Friday February 12.

    AMSA reserves the right to cancel this course and refund payments, should there be an insufficient interest to warrant providing the course.

    This pre-convention training day will include a morning coffee break at 10:00am, and lunch at 12:00pm.

    The Public Sector Procurement Program (PSPP) is accredited by the Canadian Supply Chain Sector through its National Accreditation Program.  For more information on additional PSPP courses and accreditation, click here

  • 18 Dec 2015 3:00 PM | Christine Heggart (Administrator)

    On behalf of AMSA’s Executive, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a safe a healthy New Year.   We look forward to seeing you again at the Spring convention taking place on March 15-16, 2016 in Edmonton at the Shaw Convention Centre. 

  • 14 Dec 2015 12:30 PM | Christine Heggart (Administrator)

    Each year at the fall convention, AMSA recognizes one member for their long standing commitment not only to AMSA, but to the enhancement of the field of municipal public works. This year, AMSA congratulates Phil Lodermeier, Manager of Operations from Lacombe County. Phil has been an AMSA member for over 30 years, and was nominated by his peers for dedication to AMSA, through his time on the executive and as President, along with his long successful career working in the field of public works and for his mentorship.

  • 02 Dec 2015 3:00 PM | Christine Heggart (Administrator)

    Alberta Transportation's - Minister’s Awards for Transportation Innovation

    The Minister’s Awards for Transportation Innovation recognize innovative people and organizations within the transportation industry. The awards celebrate transportation innovations, large or small, that are paving the way toward a more efficient, sustainable and safer transportation system in our province.

    These prestigious awards are part of an ongoing partnership with the Consulting Engineers of Alberta (CEA), the Alberta Roadbuilders and Heavy Construction Association (ARHCA), the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA), and the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties (AAMDC).

    Who can be nominated for an award?

    Nominations can be submitted for any public transportation (Alberta Transportation or municipal) project in Alberta related to roads, bridges, multi-modal transportation or transit.

    Nomination Categories

    Six annual Transportation Innovation Awards will be presented. There will be six separate recipients selected for:

    1. Award of Excellence for Design Innovation
    2. Award of Excellence for Construction Innovation
    3. Award of Excellence for Environmental Innovation
    4. Award of Excellence for Safety Innovation
    5. Award of Excellence for Operational Innovation
    6. Award of Excellence for Transit/Accessible Transportation Innovation

    How do I nominate a project?

    Read through the complete 2016 guidelines and fill out the attached nomination form. Nominations must be submitted on or before January 22, 2016. You may send in nominations two ways:

    1. Send as an email attachment to
    2. Print the form and send it in a sealed envelope marked “confidential” to:

      Corinna Mulyk
      Innovations Engineer
      Alberta Transportation
      3rd Floor, Twin Atria Building
      4999 - 98 Avenue
      Edmonton, AB T6B 2X3

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