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  • 28 Nov 2015 8:48 AM | Christine Heggart (Administrator)

    Check out the latest issue of AAMDC's Contact newsletter for more information regarding the Fall 2015 AAMDC Convention member endorsement of resolution 3-15F: Local Road Bridge Opt-Outs Under the Navigation Protection Act.  

    The deadline to contact Alberta Transportation regarding Navigation Protection Act is February 16, 2016.  

  • 04 Nov 2015 10:00 AM | Christine Heggart (Administrator)

    Please see CBC News article below.

    Full list of Justin Trudeau's cabinet

    31-member cabinet includes 15 women, attempt at regional balance

    CBC News Posted: Nov 04, 2015 10:50 AM ET Last Updated: Nov 04, 2015 11:36 AM ET

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, right, stands with Gov. Gen. David Johnston after being sworn in as prime minister at Rideau Hall in Ottawa Nov. 4.

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, right, stands with Gov. Gen. David Johnston after being sworn in as prime minister at Rideau Hall in Ottawa Nov. 4. (Justin Tang/Canadian Press)

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    The full list of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's new 31-member cabinet, in order of precedence, being sworn in today at Rideau Hall in Ottawa (with their province in parenthesis):

    • Justin Trudeau (Quebec) - Prime Minister, Intergovernmental Affairs and Youth.
    • Ralph Goodale (Saskatchewan) - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.
    • Lawrence MacAulay (P.E.I.) - Agriculture and Agri-Food.
    • Stéphane Dion (Quebec) - Foreign Affairs.
    • John McCallum (Ontario) - Immigration, Citizenship and Refugees.
    • Carolyn Bennett (Ontario) - Indigenous and Northern Affairs.
    • Scott Brison (Nova Scotia) - Treasury Board President.
    • Dominic Leblanc (New Brunswick) - Leader of the Government in the House of Commons.
    • Navdeep Bains (Ontario) - Innovation, Science and Economic Development.
    • Bill Morneau (Ontario) - Finance Minister.
    • Jody Wilson-Raybould (B.C.) - Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
    • Judy Foote (Newfoundland and Labrador) - Public Services and Procurement.
    • Chrystia Freeland (Ontario) - International Trade.
    • Jane Philpott (Ontario) - Health.
    • Jean-Yves Duclos (Quebec) - Families, Children and Social Development.
    • Marc Garneau (Quebec) - Transport.
    • Marie-Claude Bibeau (Quebec) - International Development and La francophonie.
    • Jim Carr (Manitoba) - Natural Resources.
    • Mélanie Joly (Quebec) - Heritage.
    • Diane Lebouthillier (Quebec) - National Revenue.
    • Kent Hehr (Alberta) - Veterans Affairs, and Associate Minister of National Defence.
    • Catherine McKenna (Ontario) - Environment and Climate Change.
    • Harjit Sajjan (B.C.) - National Defence.
    • MaryAnn Mihychuck (Manitoba) - Employment Workforce Development and Labour.
    • Amarjeet Sohi (Alberta) - Infrastructure and Communities.
    • Maryam Monsef (Ontario) - Democratic Institutions.
    • Carla Qualtrough (B.C.) - Sport, and Persons with Disabilities.
    • Hunter Tootoo (Nunavut) - Fisheries and Oceans, and Canadian Coastguard.
    • Kirsty Duncan (Ontario) - Science.
    • Patricia Hajdu (Ontario) - Status of Women.
    • Bardish Chagger (Ontario) - Small Business and Tourism.


    Map shows the regional distribution of ministers in the cabinet of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. (CBC)

  • 28 Oct 2015 8:00 AM | Christine Heggart (Administrator)

    Please see below for the provincial news release on the 2015 budget, which includes new money for infrastructure, water/wastewater, community facilities grants and additional $100 million in MSI.  

    Oct 27, 2015 

    Budget 2015 supports jobs and families

    Budget 2015 lays the groundwork for a stronger, diversified economy while stabilizing the frontline public services that all Albertans rely on.

    Finance Minister Joe Ceci tabled the new government’s first budget today. This plan will achieve three key priorities for Albertans:

    ·         Stabilizing frontline public services, including health care, education, and social services;

    ·         Setting out a prudent path to return to balance; and

    ·         Stimulating job creation, economic growth and diversification.

    “Albertans told us they want a plan that supports good jobs and a strong economy. They told us they want their families’ health care and education to be protected, while ensuring every public dollar is well spent—and that’s exactly what we are going to do.” 

    Joe Ceci, President of Treasury Board, Minister of Finance

    Budget 2015 includes stable funding for Alberta’s hospitals, schools and social services, reversing the previous government’s cuts to frontline services. It lays out a careful plan to return the province’s finances to balance by 2019-20.

    As part of government’s strategy to position Alberta as Canada’s best place to start or grow a business, Budget 2015 increases investment in infrastructure, supports trade development, and improves access to capital for small- and medium-sized businesses.

    A 15 per cent increase to the capital plan will put $4.5 billion more towards fixing roads, building schools and expanding hospitals in communities across the province. This ambitious infrastructure program will put Albertans back to work and support economic growth.

    “This budget lays out a responsible plan that will serve as a shock absorber to our short-term economic challenges, stabilizing programs like heath care and education, while growing the economy over the long term.”

    Joe Ceci, President of Treasury Board, Minister of Finance

    Budget 2015 Highlights

    Supporting Jobs

    Budget 2015 takes important steps to support job creation and stimulate economic growth and diversification. Highlights include:

    ·         A 15 per cent increase in capital spending over the next five years to build and repair our schools, hospitals and roads, putting Albertans back to work as the economy recovers. This increase is based on the advice of former Bank of Canada Governor David Dodge.

    ·         An investment of $34 billion over the next five years to support modern, efficient infrastructure for Alberta families and businesses, bolstering the province’s economic recovery. This includes:

    o    $3.8 billion for schools,

    o    $4.7 billion for roads and bridges

    o    $2.2 billion for health facilities and equipment

    o    $4.4 billion in new projects and programs that will be considered based on transparent and accountable criteria.

    ·         A new two-year Job Creation Incentive Program will provide Alberta employers with grants of up to $5,000 for each new job. It will support up to 27,000 new jobs each year, through to 2017.

    ·         A new Ministry of Economic Development and Trade to expand Alberta’s access to foreign and domestic markets.

    ·         New measures to improve access to capital for small- and medium-sized businesses

    Stabilizing Health Care

    Budget 2015 stabilizes Alberta’s public health care system with predictable, long-term funding while getting the annual growth of the health budget under control.

    3-Year Funding

    ·         2015-16: $19.7 billion

    ·         2016-17: $20.4 billion

    ·         2017-18: $20.9 billion

    Targeted investments will be made to reflect the priorities of Albertans, including:

    ·         $120 million over two years (starting in 2016-17) for new long-term care spaces.

    ·         $90 million over two years (starting in 2016-17) to expand public homecare.

    ·         $10 million annually to support mental health services.

    ·         Increased support for seniors’ health care, including drug, dental, optical and supplemental health benefits.

    Stabilizing Education

    Budget 2015 demonstrates a strong commitment to students and families by ensuring children have good schools, enough teachers and every opportunity to succeed. Stable and predictable funding for our schools will fully cover growth in student enrolment.

    3-Year Funding

    ·         2015-16: $7.6 billion

    ·         2016-17: $7.9 billion

    ·         2017-18: $8.1 billion

    Highlights include:

    ·         Approximately 380 more teachers and 150 more support staff added to the education system.

    ·         More support for students with special needs in the form of educational assistants and other classroom supports.

    ·         A new school nutrition program to support families and give kids a healthy start.

    ·         A $45 million annual investment to reduce the burden of school fees for families, beginning in 2016.

    Stabilizing Advanced Education

    Budget 2015 provides stable funding for the post-secondary system, supporting an estimated 250,000 full and part-time students and apprentices.

    3-Year Funding

    ·         2015-16: $5.7 billion

    ·         2016-17: $5.9 billion

    ·         2017-18: $6.0 billion

    Highlights include:

    ·         A two-year tuition freeze for post-secondary students to help ensure more Albertans have access to affordable higher education.

    ·         $228 million for Student Aid programs in 2015-16, to support scholarships for about 47,500 students and grants for about 16,000 students.

    ·         $579 million in student loans will be disbursed to more than 77,000 students in 2015-16.

    Supporting families

    Budget 2015 increases support for children and families in most need of help. Highlights include: 

    ·         More support for children in care, helping vulnerable families with new funding for the Family and Community Support Services program.

    ·         New annual funding of $15 million to support women’s shelters.

    ·         Increased support for people with disabilities, child intervention, child care, and homeless and outreach supports.

    ·         An enhanced Alberta Family Employment Tax Credit (AFETC) to provide lower and middle-income working families with additional support.

    ·         A new Alberta Child Benefit to help lower and middle income families make ends meet.

    Stabilizing Revenue

    Budget 2015 introduces new measures to reduce Alberta’s reliance on non-renewable resource revenue and protects Alberta’s overall tax advantage. Albertans will continue to pay the lowest overall taxes compared to other provinces with no provincial sales tax, no payroll tax, no health care premiums, and the lowest gasoline tax.

    Revenue changes in Budget 2015 include:

    ·         A five dollar per carton increase to the tobacco tax.

    ·         A five per cent increase to the liquor markup. 

    ·         A four-cent increase to the locomotive fuel tax.

    ·         A one percentage point increase on insurance premium tax rates.

    Together, with changes already implemented in 2015, this will provide an additional $1.5 billion in 2015-16 and approximately $2.3 billion per year for the next two fiscal years, helping government return to balance while protecting public programs and services. When all changes announced in the budget are fully implemented, Alberta will still maintain an overall tax advantage of at least $8.5 billion.

    Back to Balance

    Budget 2015 takes a careful and responsible approach to managing government finances, steadily phasing out the deficit without reckless cuts to the frontline services Albertans rely on. This includes:

    ·         Prudent management of expense growth at two per cent each year over the next four years, as revenue grows by an estimated six per cent each year over the same period. 

    ·         A salary freeze for Cabinet ministers, MLAs and political staff for the entire term of this Legislature.

    ·         A comprehensive review of Alberta’s Agencies, Boards and Commissions.

    ·         Hiring restraint across the Alberta Public Service.

    ·         A new Fiscal Planning and Transparency Act that will limit government debt to 15 per cent of nominal GDP—half the average of Canadian provinces.

    Watch the news conference

    Related information

    ·         Budget 2015

  • 09 Oct 2015 12:00 PM | Christine Heggart (Administrator)

    This week's issue of AAMDC's Contact newsletter includes information regarding Bridge Opt-Outs Under the Navigation Protection Act.  Click here for more information. 

  • 18 Sep 2015 12:45 PM | Christine Heggart (Administrator)

    At the American Public Works Association (APWA) International Congress and Exposition in Phoenix, AZ, the County of Newell was announced as the winner of the First Time Entry in the CPWA competition for National Public Works Week.

    The County of Newell's award submission included their participation in National Public Works Week (NPWW) by hosting a public BBQ and engaging in local school programs, to name just a few of their NPWW activities.  

  • 06 Aug 2015 10:05 AM | Christine Heggart (Administrator)

    Check out this week's issue of AAMDC Contact Newsletter for more information regarding their report titled Asset Management for Municipalities in Alberta: Navigating the Asset Management Journey.

  • 30 Jul 2015 12:48 PM | Christine Heggart (Administrator)

    Check out this week's edition of the AAMDC Contact Newsletter for more details on how to provide input into Alberta’s Aggregate Allocation Policy for Commercial Use.

    Input is requested by August 11. 

  • 22 Jul 2015 5:10 PM | Christine Heggart (Administrator)

    For more information, click here to check out this week's AAMDC Contact Newsletter.

  • 16 Jul 2015 5:00 PM | Christine Heggart (Administrator)

    Check out the latest edition of AAMDC's Contact Newsletter for more information on the Alberta Community Resilience Program.

  • 25 May 2015 7:30 AM | Christine Heggart (Administrator)

    Please see the provincial news release below for list of new cabinet members and their ministries.  

    Provincial News Release

    May 24, 2015 

    A new chapter in the story of Alberta

    Alberta’s 17th Premier, the Honourable Rachel Notley, and her Cabinet, were sworn in on the steps of the Alberta Legislature on May 24.

    Albertans have chosen a strong, stable majority government that will put the priorities of Albertans first – a government that shares in the very same values that built this province and our prosperity.

    “Today we open a new chapter in the story of Alberta. From our earliest days, Albertans have worked as hard as anyone to forge a brighter future. People from all walks of life and from every part of the world, have joined together on a common journey. And on that journey we’ve been guided by enduring values.  Albertans are hard-working. We are entrepreneurial. And we are relentlessly optimistic. We believe that tomorrow can be a better day. And that we must work hard to make it happen. That’s who we are as Albertans.”

    Rachel Notley, Premier

    The new Cabinet is lean and efficient, and is firmly focused on solving the challenges that face Alberta. The newly sworn-in Ministers will partner with Alberta’s job creators – in energy, forestry, agriculture, high-tech, tourism and small business – to grow and diversify our economy.

    The new Cabinet will focus on the priorities of Albertans:

    • to give our children the best chance to succeed and get the right start in school;
    • to protect and strengthen public health care, so it’s there when families need it;
    • to restore trust and integrity in government – a government that belongs to Albertans; and
    • to help build a more prosperous, a more caring, and a more hopeful province for every Albertan.

    “On this historic day, we are, once again, joining together in pursuit of our common dream – the same dream that has inspired generations of Albertans. It’s a dream founded on the idea that change is possible – and that a better future awaits. It is springtime in Alberta, and a fresh wind is blowing. To harness its potential, the hard work begins today.”

    Rachel Notley, Premier

    The new Cabinet in order of precedence:


    Ministry/Responsible for

    Rachel Notley

    Minister of International and Intergovernmental Relations

    Brian Mason

    Minister of Transportation
    Minister of Infrastructure
    Government House Leader

    David Eggen

    Minister of Education
    Minister of Culture and Tourism

    Deron Bilous

    Minister of Municipal Affairs
    Minister of Service Alberta
    Deputy Government House Leader

    Joe Ceci

    Minister of Finance and President of Treasury Board

    Marg McCuaig-Boyd

    Minister of Energy

    Sarah Hoffman

    Minister of Health
    Minister of Seniors

    Kathleen Ganley

    Minister of Justice and Solicitor General
    Minister of Aboriginal Relations

    Lori Sigurdson

    Minister of Innovation and Advanced Education
    Minister of Jobs, Skills, Training and Labour

    Oneil Carlier

    Minister of Agriculture and Forestry

    Shannon Phillips

    Minister of Environment and Parks
    Minister Responsible for the Status of Women
    Deputy Government House Leader

    Irfan Sabir

    Minister of Human Services

    Media inquiries

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